Apply to start primary school
Starting primary or junior school
To get a place at a school in Redbridge you need to apply, even if your child is in a nursery or infant class linked to that school.
Apply for a place to start primary school if your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
If your child has already started school you can apply to change schools.
If you're moving to Redbridge before your child starts school you need to apply for a school place where you live now. Then transfer your application to Redbridge when you move.
Important: when to apply for school places
The deadline for applications was 15 January 2024.
You can still make a late application for your child to start school in September 2024.
You’ll go on a waiting list for the schools you apply to. They'll consider your application after they offer places to ‘on time’ applicants.
The last day for late applications is 18 August 2025.
When should your child start school
Most children start primary school in the reception class in September when they are five.
You can ask for a ‘delayed start’ so that your child starts later in the year if their birthday is between 1 April and 31 August. This is called being a ‘summer born child’.
GOV.UK has advice for parents of summer born children starting school.
See start your child at school later
Transferring to a junior school
You can transfer to one of our junior schools if your child:
- was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018
- is ready to start a Year 3 class in September 2025
Redbridge has three junior schools.
Find a junior school in Redbridge
Apply in the same way as for starting primary school.
Schools for children with special educational needs (SEN schools)
School places for children with special educational needs use a different admissions process.
See special educational need (SEN) schools in Redbridge
Apply for a school place
Sign in or create an account to apply for a school place (eAdmissions)
The website form guides you through information you need to enter.
What you need
To apply for school places, you need:
- your address in Redbridge. You’ll be asked for proof of this
- up to six schools in or outside of Redbridge you want to apply to
Proof of address documents
To get an offer from one of our schools you need to provide proof that you live in Redbridge.
You’ll need two proofs:
- your council tax reference number
And either:
- a rent book
- a tenancy agreement
- your TV license
- a full UK driving license
- a home utility bill from the last three months
You can add your proof that you live in Redbridge when you apply.
Choosing schools
You can apply for a place in up to six schools in Redbridge. This will be your ‘preferred list’ of schools.
You can select any schools inside and outside of Redbridge. We’ll work with any other local authority for the schools you select.
Advice for choosing schools
Demand for places at our schools is very high.
We recommend putting the schools closest to your home in your preferred list. They are much more likely to offer your child a place.
See how school places were offered for September 2024.
How to list your preferred schools
Put your first choice of school first in your application, followed by your second choice, and so on.
When you get an offer from a school, you’ll be taken off the waiting lists of the schools below that on your list.
For example, if you are sent an offer by the second school on your list, schools three to six will be taken off your list. After that, those schools cannot offer a place unless you request to go back on their waiting list.
Be truthful on your application
Applications made with false information are rejected. It’ll slow down the admissions process for everyone.
Every child is given a place in a school, even if your preferred schools cannot be offered.
Report a fraudulent school application
Report a fraudulent school application
You do not need to give us your name if you do not want to.
How our schools offer places
You’ll only be offered a place at a school if you meet their admissions criteria.
Admissions criteria
How close you live to the school is usually the most important thing considered.
Schools have other criteria’s which mean they may offer places to some children first.
Some schools, such as faith schools, have their own admissions criteria. Make sure you find out what a school's criteria are before you apply.
Find school’s contact information
Applying to faith schools
To be offered a place at a faith school, you need to send them a Supplementary Information Form (SIF).
You can either:
- fill out a SIF when you apply
- download a SIF from the school’s website and send it later
Send your completed SIF to your preferred school by 15 January.
What happens next?
You’ll get a confirmation email with a reference number from eAdmissions.
On time applications (made by 15 January)
The schools on your preferred list will consider your application before 16 April (National Offer Day).
Getting an offer
You’ll get an email with your offer on the evening of 16 April. It will be from the highest placed school on your preferred list that can offer you a place.
Your child’s name will appear on the waiting lists of all schools ranked at a higher preference on your application. Any schools ranked at a lower preference we will automatically withdraw.
You’ll then have two weeks to accept the offer.
Sign in to eAdmissions to accept an offer
After two weeks your offer expires. If your child doesn’t have a confirmed place at a school, you'll need to go on the waiting list.
If your address changes
All offers are based on the address you used to apply.
If your address changes before the application deadline, you must sign in to eAdmissions and update your details with the new address.
If your address changes after the application deadline, you need to complete the online change of address form.
Late applications (made after 15 January)
You’ll be placed on the waiting list for the schools you applied to.
Your position in a school’s waiting list could go up or down as we receive new applications.
See where you are on a school's waiting list (login or create a My Redbridge account)
Your preferred schools can only offer you a place if one becomes available. If none of them can offer you a place, you will be offered a place at the closest school to your home with a vacancy.
Getting an offer
You’ll get an email with your offer of a school place.
You’ll then have two weeks to accept the offer by replying to that email.
Appeal a decision
You can appeal a decision if you’re not offered a school on your preferred list. Follow our guidance on school appeals.